Suffolk countryside at sunset with a church in the background.


Originally created for Halesworth & Blyth Valley Tourism Group (HTG) by Mustard Creative with  funding support by the former Waveney District Council, Waveney Business Forum and Halesworth Town Council, whose support is gratefully acknowledged, this website has been updated by Red Dune IT & Web of Halesworth.  Fnancial support has been made available from the Levelling Up programme in conjunction with East Suffolk District Council and H M Government 

East Suffolk Council logoLevelling up logoHM Government Logo


Many thanks to Zaren Templeton of Stopped Clock Imaging for creating the video using his own images and those of Joel Schat of Roadtrippers. Also to Jack Pescod for permission to set it to A Garland, a composition from his latest album, Home.

And  to the following individuals and businesses for permission to use their photographs:

Brian Benson,  Jo Jordan,  Colin Huggins, NNVisuals, Becky Marshall-Potter, Kim Hoare, Alsion Britton, Paul Kitchen Jo Gilbert, Jane Davis,  Jenny Ruddle

The painting shown on the Art page is ‘Storm over Cookley’ by the late Linda Holmes, courtesy of Sarah & Mike Shephard of Cookley.

Articles have been reproduced by kind permission of the East Anglian Daily Times, The Times and Flick & Son